發布時間:2023-08-24 09:22:36來源:互聯網
milady was as gracious as ever
米拉蒂同以往一樣溫和。He replied in a voice as innocent as milady"s
他以一種與米拉蒂同樣漫不經心的口吻回答說。That same day Lord Winter sailed for France in pursuit of milady
同一天,溫特勛爵坐船到法國去追捕米拉蒂。French revolutionist.As a member of the States - General(1789 - 1791)he attempted to create a constitutional monarchy.
米拉波法國革命家。作為國民議會的代表(1789-1791年),他試圖建立君主立憲制Mark O"mera won the award of PGA Tour Player of the Year at the age of 41 on Friday.
星期五,馬克·奧米拉以41歲的年齡獲得職業高爾夫球巡回賽年度最佳球員稱號。Most likely milady had hired these scoundrels to do her bidding at the first favourable opportunity
很可能是米拉蒂雇用了那幾個惡棍,一遇到有利的機會就按照她的旨意干的。We are seeking a suitably qualified and experienced chemist for our laboratory based in Miramar.
誠聘一位富有經驗的資深化學師到我們設在米拉馬的實驗室工作。He winced at the thought of dining with Camilla.
一想到要跟卡米拉一起吃飯,他皺起了眉頭。Quiet Miss Mira was put out of court by impetuous Mrs. Simcoe and her female aides-de-camp.
嫻雅文靜的米拉小姐給囂張的西姆科太太和她和女助手弄得丟盡了臉皮。 Quiet Miss Mira was put out of court by impetuous Mrs. Simcoe and her female aides-de-camp
Remove the toner cartridge from the plastic bag. Remove the mylar tape by breaking the tab on the left and pulling the tape completely out.
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